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NIDO: Containment and sensorial stimulation system 

for premature newborns.

Every year in the world 15 million children born prematurely. The Family-centered developmental care (FCDC) is the current care philosophy in neonatology units and uses neuroprotective interventions as strategies to support optimal synaptic neural connections, promote normal development, and prevent disabilities. Seven neuroprotective measures for FCDC are addressed: healing environment, partnering with families, positioning and handling, minimizing stress and pain, safeguarding sleep, protecting skin, and optimizing nutrition. Actually there aren ́t optimal solutions for ensure positioning care and the most used solutions are homemade nests made by towels, sheets and hospital supplies.

Kangaroo Mother care (KMC) is one of the key activities in the FCDC but is known that the return to the incubator could be a very stressful moment followed by a hemodynamic instability time, because of the breaking of the contact with the mother and the positive stimuli (respiratory movements, odor...)

NIDO is a sensory stimulation and containment system for premature newborns. Given a modular system nurses will find in it all the necessary to provide postural care, eliminating the variability in care practices. It uses modern materials that allow cleaning and infections control, the support systems use anti- bedshores viscoelastic foams.

The stimulation system consists in a balancing system that imitates the periodicity and depth of the maternal breathing, maintaining one of the maternal stimuli after the KMC. This balancing provides vestibular stimulation to the premature in such a way that prevents the appearance of apneas and reduces the number of handlings during the post-KMC adaptation time.

Every physical benefit is a psychological benefit and vice versa

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